The project regarded the doubling of the railway line along the PM228 – Castelplanio stretch (Lot 2), carried out within the framework of the work for the improvement of infrastructures on the Orte – Falconara line.
The work regarded the doubling of the existing railway line, both alongside the existing track and along a new variant, divided into three consecutive functional lots progressively from the existing line (Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3).
The track for even-numbered trains of Lot 2 starts at kilometre point 237+859 of the existing line, and the work ends on the track for odd-numbered trains at kilometre point 246+958, for a total length of 8+889.982 regarding the track for odd-numbered trains.
Railway-induced noise levels were determined with the aid of the SoundPLAN 8.0 noise simulation model.
As regards the construction sites for the work and the artefacts featured in the project, the simulations were conducted based on standard amounts and types of noise sources.
For the construction site activities, the noise emission sources were represented by the machinery and equipment used on the construction site. The impact depends on the type of machinery used and their sound power, the number of machines and how many of them are in operation at the same time, the phases of the work and the percentages of use.
Analysing the time schedule, as a preventive measure for the receptors, an evaluation was conducted of a scenario involving processes and activities particularly onerous from the point of view of noise levels.
Air study The estimate of air pollution dispersion caused by the construction phase was conducted by simulation using the WinDimula air dispersion model (implemented into the MMSCaline software). WinDimula belongs to the category of Gaussian models. NOx and PM10 emissions were evaluated.