Mandrascava PV Photovoltaic Plant

Noise impact forecast for the for the photovoltaic plant in Mandrascava, in the municipality of Agrigento (AG).


The “Mandrascava” agrivoltaic plant is located in the municipality Agrigento (AG), on an agricultural area approx. 12 km south-east of Agrigento and approx. 4 km west of Zingarello Lido in Agrigento.

The plant, with a maximum rated power of 15,384.32 kWp, will be connected by 36 kV aerial with the 36 kV section of a future 220/36 kV Electrical Power Station of the Italian National Electricity Network, to be inserted with an in-out configuration on both of the three-phase lines of the 220 kV Italian National Electricity Network “Favara – Chiaramonte Gulfi” line, as indicated in the Minimal Technical Solution of the network distributor.

Acoustic study. The aim of this study was to forecast the noise impact, at both the construction and operational stages, of the photovoltaic plant to be constructed in Mandrascava, in the municipality of Agrigento.

The activity of both the plant and the construction site was implemented using SoundPLAN noise simulation software.

With regard to the plant, the noise sources are represented by the electric cabinets that contain the inverters and transformers, and similarly, from an acoustic point of view, by the end points that connect the photovoltaic plant to the grid.

The noise associated with the construction, considered as an “industrial building”, depends on the structure of the cabinet containing the machinery. The noise at one metre in the 16Hz-20kHz range can be comprised between 55 and 65 dBA, with fans and conditioning systems in function in the worst situation.

Based on the extension of the surfaces, it is possible to determine a sound power of 75 dBA per surface unit (70 dBA for the roof), based on data in literature regarding similar plants.
