SS 106 Improvement Work and Implementation of Safety Measures along various Stretches between KM 0+000 (Aranceto Roundabout Junction Coserie Viaduct) and KM 25+000 (Junction with SS534 Sibari)

Acoustic study, vibration study and air study during the construction and operational phases for the completion of the work for the improvement of the Jonica trunk road (SS106)



Approximately 17 km of the stretch between Coserie and Corigliano west run along the coastal strip lying between the sea and the Taranto-Reggio Calabria railway line. This is a portion of flat land, irrigated and irrigable, and highly urbanised.

There are a large number of urban areas, agricultural production areas, artisan/industrial areas and structures serving both the population and the manufacturing activities. There are also a significant number of tourism facilities

, and infrastructural networks, the continuity of which must be maintained.

Urban planning envisages further occupation of the land towards the sea, to safeguard which required the construction of works such as viaducts and underpasses for the development of the urban centres.

The agricultural activity is specialised, so land value is high.

The many waterways on the plain have required the construction of elevated structures, which, together with the viaducts, inevitably alter the predominantly flat layout of the area.

Air study

The estimate of air pollution dispersion caused by vehicular traffic with the road in operation was conducted by simulation using the CALINE4 air dispersion model (implemented into the MMSCaline software). CALINE belongs to the category of Gaussian models, and specifically takes account of the linear form of the source and the turbulence induced by the movement of the motor vehicles. NOx, CO, PM10, PM 2.5 and Benzene emissions were evaluated.

  • Head of project group: Engineer Vincenzo Battistini
  • Project group: Engineer Anna Tarsitano